搜索 Fui

  • 妓女霞被心爱的人虐待,决心发奋图强,建立自己的事业王国……夜生活界的女强人王霞,少女时代为茶楼点心女郎,同事阿祥暗恋之,但霞喜美俊少年,卒为黑社会Alan仔诱惑,堕落火坑,一面做应召女郎,一面与Alan仔双宿双栖。其后霞怀孕,Alan仔竟迫之堕胎,且毒打之,霞决心离开Alan,终识一CID黐线光,乘机要光帮她,光利用私权,毒打Alan,…
  • 两人因同修长生术,但命运大不相同,邪恶之极的狄威靠嗜血杀人以增强法力,卷起腥风血雨,曹查理为救众人,历经磨难和斗争,面对魔力升高的狄威,他不得不与之同归于尽……
  • 魔高一丈粤语HD
  • 只有为你HD
    Only for Tereza is a romantic comedy full of awkward situations and errors, which proves, that fighting for love can sometimes be incredibly arduous, especially when life slaps you in the face all the time. The characters of the "severely tried couple" are played by Igor Orozovic and Veronika Khek Kubarova, s…
  • a year after the tragic death of her brother, 19-year-old Lisi from Kitzbühel enters the decadent world of a Munich clique that comes to the luxury ski resort to celebrate every season. But Lisi soon kicks off an avalanche that reveals the…
  • 群魔乱舞HD
    痴情的男人迈克尔(迈克尔·福斯 Michael Fuith 饰)从维也纳来到柏林,只为寻找与之分手的女友加比·哈瑞斯(安娜·格拉泽克 Anna Graczyk 饰)。他来到加比的公寓,然而房间内空空如也,空气中甚至弥漫着一丝不祥的气息。突然,似乎整个世界陷入了疯狂,许多人被一种神秘病毒所感染,继而摇身变作丧失人性、嗜血如命的恐怖丧尸。他们四处围捕…