搜索 王金鹏

  • Directed by filmmaker and scientist Christi Cooper, YOUTH v. GOV is the story of America's youth taking on the world's most powerful government. In 2015, twenty one young plaintiffs, ages 8 to 19, filed the lawsuit Juliana vs. United States, asserting a willful violation of their constitutional rights in creating our c…
  • 1937年冬,南京陷落后,五个中央陆军军官学校学生,一腔孤勇护送一个舞女和一个婴儿去当时南京的安全区。以鲜血和生命告诉侵略者,虽然战场上输了,但中华民族不屈抗争的精神不会输。
  • 高中生华方、苗稀单、顾伟泉、马金良在开学第一天被分到了学渣宿舍518,四人意气相投,友谊日渐浓厚。华方本性调皮,恶作剧不断,一边混迹在网吧,投身于从商赚钱,一边暗恋着班花林玄彩,和好友一起给情敌使绊子;苗稀单沉迷游戏,无心向学,因此在发小雅楠面前无地自容;顾伟泉处事大大咧咧、少根筋,却深藏绝技;多次留级的马金良爱慕英语老…